Muse Tribute Band 1

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Muse Tribute Band

This Muse Tribute Band was born in 2002. Immediately, a pleasant alchemy was created amongst the members of the group, pushing them to believe in their goal. After a few live concerts, they started performing a lot and received very good critics that culminated in 2003 with the first live concerts in Rome. During the "MTV Supersonic" they had the chance to meet Matthew, Chris and Dom, a very pleasant event that will remain in the heart of all the members.

Muse Tribute Band performance

The band pays particular attention to the live versions of the English trio, characteristics which are well known and appreciated all over the world. To improve their performance, this Muse Tribute Band has undertaken a maniacal study of both the songs scores and performances and especially of the effects, characteristics that makes Muse sound so unique. Moreover the instrumentation has been completely renewed and widened to reproduce the original sound the best that they can.

Muse Tribute Band credit

The line-up of this band reproduces exactly the one adopted by Muse from 2006 and on, with the onstage presence, the fourth band element piloting voices effects and backing tracks played strictly live without using samples or records. This Muse Tribute Band is mentioned in various interviews and has been honored to be named "The Muse Official Tribute Band" by the original members of the band Muse.

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Country Italy
Performer Type Musical Act
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