This Los Angeles Burlesque Act is the world's newest Bettie Page. Her spot on gorgeous Bettie Page beauty, elegance, and perfect figure mesmerizes audiences of all ages and sexes. See this artist damp...More DetailsAdd Favorites
This Toronto Burlesque Singer is one of those performers who stay in your mind long after the stage lights go out. Her tremendous vocal skills, unique look and magnetic stage presence are sought after...More DetailsAdd Favorites
This Las Vegas Burlesque Dancer is a professional Burlesque dancer with a B.A. in Dance from Humboldt State University in Northern California, 2010. She has been performing professionally for 11 years...More DetailsAdd Favorites
This Los :Angeles Burlesque Dancer has been performing and working as a professional dancer for over 12 years. She trained in London, UK at Pineapple Dance Studios and accomplished many big jobs in he...More DetailsAdd Favorites