Russian Vocal Group 1

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Russian Vocal Group 1

This Russian Vocal Group met when everyone already had their own solo/ensemble/education background. different musical experience...but the same wish to create something new in a`cappella genre, something really interesting and extraordinary, impressing and expressive, international and exclusive...and the main thing, we make it to give and enjoy!

Russian Vocal Group venues

This Russian Vocal Group traveled around the world: in Asia and in Europe. It goes straight and fast, they are putting a lot of energy to keep it running, feeding the engine of inspiration with their love to the beauty of human voices, leading with the elements of reach variety of music cultures from all over the world... yes, they are a cosmopolitan band and speeding it up with the full swing of their fantasy and humor and their professionalism...and their modesty!

Russian Vocal Group style

This Russian Vocal Group's style is defined with the creative search they have been through. They can`t say they are only a jazz group..they also like pop music, folklore, classic, their own songs and in everything we they they bring a certain part of soul...even if they rock. Let's call it contemporary a`cappella fusion (the word "a`cappella" doesn`t mean "without music", does it?).

Russian Vocal Group credits

Ward Swingle Award prize in Jazz Category ( "Vokal Total" A`cappella Competition`2003 in Graz, Austria) CARA (Contemporary A`cappella Recording Award, USA) for "Best Jazz Album`2004" ("Magic Moment") Tours and shows in America, Singapore, Hong Kong, Israel, Austria, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Luxembourg and more. festivals "Vokal Total", "Jazz Parade", "Solevoci","Slavyansky Bazar","Jazz Province", "Jazz In Time" and more soundtracks to the films: "Rio 1, 2", "Harry Potter", "Happy Feet!" and more co-projects: concerts and recordings with well known Russian composers, musicians, singers and poets.

This Russian Vocal Group's schedule is rather tough: tours, concerts, recordings, arranging, TV and radio show...and growing...non stop. Destination: they are always in motion to bring you as much fun and they have themselves while singing... Warning: fasten your seatbelts! This Russian Vocal Group is taking off!

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Country Russia
City - Other/International -
State/Province - Other/International -
Performer Type Musical Act

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